Bring your life here!!
Metropolitan Capital Real Estate is thrilled to offer this property in Fay Alreeman.
Fay Alreeman is the latest addition to Alreeman development, offering customizable villas exclusively for Emiratis to live authentically and exceptionally, in a modern community that welcomes every part of their life.
A lot of noticeable features come together to create a powerful sense of uniqueness in this home, for instance the:
* Premium upgrade packages.
* Unique choice of exterior facades.
* Range of interior finishes.
* Sustainable construction materials.
* Efficient water fixtures.
* Family oriented.
* Estidama Pearl 2 rating
* Unique Choice of Unit look and feel
* Possibility of property customization
* it’s under construction and due to handover in Q3 2025
It is unbelievably priced. Which means it’s a sensible purchase.
There’s no value in dragging your feet. Call me today to find out more.
Metropolitan Capital Real Estate (MCRE) is dedicated to delivering our clients a wide array of services in terms of sales, rentals, property management, consulting services, mortgage brokerage and many more.
country: United Arab Emirates; city: Abu Dhabi; community: Al Shamkha ; sub_community: Fay Alreeman ; property_name: Fay Alreeman ; size: 4203
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